Monday, June 6, 2011

Rep. Weiner Media Coverage: A Different Take

After a week of speculation, or perhaps of the general public knowing Weiner did it and the hard lined, Leftist apologists hoping he didn't, Rep. Anthony Weiner (D, NY) admitted that he had lied about the "hack" or "prank" or "Breitbart framing" or whatever. This came as no shock. Not because of who Weiner is, but because this is a disgusting and common trend amongst dirty slugs inebriated with the elixir of power.

I staunchly disagree with Weiner in basically every aspect that you could conjure up. That being said, I don't look down on him anymore than I do the Edwards, Schwarzeneggers, Chris Lees or any other politician that has found themselves wrapped in extramarital scandal. They are all repugnant. They are all in the same boat, or rather on the underbelly of the same boat with the rest of the scum. That's the way I see it, but that is not the way the Main Stream Media sees it.

Chris Matthews pondered that maybe Anthony Weiner's wife was partly to blame. Take a second to let that sink in. No really, go ahead. Done? Ok. The media is so wildly out of touch that they are inventing straw men to defend a progressive even after that progressive ripped the straw man to shreds. All afternoon there was speculation, then the press conference, then the gasps from the media, then the "I can't believe it" commentary, then the "well maybe it wasn't his fault" commentary. It's all too much.

Sure, this has been a story on the forefront of many of our minds the last week. Some found it horrifying. Some found it disheartening. Some saw it as an attempt by evil fringe right wing bloggers to take down an honorable man. Many found it hilarious. But I'm upset at the coverage it has received today. Yes, it was left-leaning and sympathetic when it would have been brutally scathing had it been a GOP politician, but that is not what bothered me.

What bothered me was that it reduced the anniversary of D-Day to disgusting TMZ type media storm across political and entertainment news outlets throughout the country. It bothered me that while the last surviving members of the raid on Normandy, or those that may not have raided, but still served in World War II who are surely recognizing what is likely to be one of the last, if not THE last, D-Day anniversary they will ever see, America was obsessed with a picture of a man in his boxer briefs. Today is a day that ought to be solemnly remembered and humbly celebrated as a triumph of men, some of whom made the ultimate sacrifice. Today, I woke up proud of my country because of the triumph of the "Great Crusade" that Eisenhower had prepared the boys for back in '44, and I will go to sleep proud. But during the day, I felt disappointment in my fellow Americans: those with cameras and microphones and those without. I'm disappointed that they allowed themselves to be so distracted by tabloid that they missed out on remembrance.

To all of the veterans, thank you. To those who served in World War II, those who died in World War II, and especially those who never left the beaches of France, thank you.

God Bless Our Troops! God Bless the Greatest Generation! We will always remember June 6, 1944.

- Streep

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